From groove, funk, rock, reggae, ska, soul, jazz, latin, R&B. Our set contains many originals that I have written, plus well known classics with a different spin on them. Take a listen to some of our tracks below.



About the tracks


Jammin’ written By Bob Marley arranged and adapted by Errol Thomas.
I love Bob Marley’s Music, he writes songs that have meaning and touch the heart such as No Woman No Cry and Three Little Birds. As a tribute to his passing I wanted to include one of Bobs tracks on the Groove Traders demo.

So here is my interpretation and arrangement of Bob’s Classic track called Jammin’. It starts off with a smooth jazz intro and head but watch out for the twist and change of the dynamics mid song, We hope you like it.

Groove On Down The Road

Written and performed by Errol Thomas copyright @ 2016. This track has a rock crossover feel with a driving beat. The Jimi influences come into play which sets up a nice grooving rock rhythm and a catchy pop rock melodic head.

Nelson Mandela 18th July 1918 – 5th Dec 2013

Written in tribute to the late and great Nelson Mandela, for his work on peace and reconciliation in South Africa. It features midi jazz flute played by guitar and the GT groove. Featuring solos from George Hart on Afro drums and Lester Osborne on congos and cuica.

The Afro latin groove allows the flute to float over the top of the beautiful rhythm. In contrast, the bass break lashes the samba beat with a technical lyrical solo. Finally we get to hear our master of rhythm, Lester Osborne playing a amazing percussion solo on the cuica.  

More examples of The Groove Traders can also be heard on our SoundCloud